Hey ladies! Here's a little insight to my personal life... I’m a single mom of 4 and a boudoir photographer. Recently, I hit a milestone – my daughter, Nichele, graduated from high school. (Cue the proud mom moment mixed with a big ol’ scoop of nostalgia and a few tears)

To my fellow moms knee-deep in diapers or dealing with tantrums, mom to mom: cherish every moment. Because before you know it, your little munchkins will be all grown up, ready to take on the world like my Nichele. Seriously, I'm contemplating inventing a rewind button! But here’s the exciting news: Nichele isn’t flying the nest just yet; she’s joining my boudoir team as my right-hand woman. She’s a natural hype woman and an artist herself! I’m not just handing her a job; I’m giving her a crash course in female entrepreneurship.
Nichele aspires to be a tattoo artist and own her own shop. So, I’m on a mission to arm her with the skills and sass she needs to conquer the world – girl boss style! In a world where women are taking the reins and making things happen, it’s crucial to arm our daughters with the tools they need to slay their goals. And what better way to do that than through boudoir photography?
From dealing with clients to mastering marketing, Nichele’s getting a front-row seat to the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. And sure, along the way, we’ll sprinkle in some lessons about creativity, professionalism, and bouncing back when life throws curveballs. Because let’s face it, life’s a bumpy ride, but we’re gonna rock it! As Nichele dives headfirst into her journey as a female entrepreneur, I’m reminded that it’s up to us to pave the way for the next generation of kick-ass women. Together, we’ll show the world the unstoppable force of female entrepreneurship, one boudoir session at a time. Who’s with us?
#boudoir #boudoirphotographer #motherdaughterteam #houstonboudoirphotographer #femaleentreprenuership #womeininbusiness #girlboss